We are thrilled to share the remarkable success of our recent fundraising efforts through the Big Day of Giving (BigDoG) and our direct mail campaigns. Thanks to the generosity of our donors and the steadfast support of our sponsors like Southern Comfort Heating and Air Conditioning, we’ve made significant strides in supporting the Lincoln seniors.…
The LHF teamed up with Neighborhood Watch for the National Night Out event on October 6 to collect holiday food donations for the Salt Mine. Pictured here is Barbara Branch from NW in front of her fully loaded garage waiting for Foundation volunteers to transport the 300+ boxes and bags. This was a very successful…
The LHF is partnering with Neighborhood Watch this year on National Night Out. Mail box captains are encouraged to include collecting canned and boxed food items for The Salt Mine at village gatherings this year. Foundation volunteers will pick up donations from participating villages and deliver them to The Salt Mine. Both Neighborhood Watch and…
Isolation, depression, loneliness…symptoms of the current stay-at-home order. Now imagine this was expected only of you and there was no end in sight. Many of our neighbors right here in Lincoln Hills are facing this situation. During the early stages of Dementia, things are manageable and with a few adaptations life may proceed as normal.…
Volunteers at the Salt Mine organize and distribute needed nutrition to Lincoln residents. The Foundation provides support for procuring food and supplies. Pictured here is the staging area for filling the food boxes, and drive-up pandemic distribution that avoids physical contact between volunteers and clients.
Pictured here are four volunteer Lincoln Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) members receiving re-certification for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), use of the Automated External Defibrillator (AED), and basic First Aid. Wellfit Manager Jeannette (feed me chocolate) Pyle provides this training for Lincoln Hills residents as well as the CERT team with the Foundation’s support.
The Salt Mine is very grateful for the generous grant of $10,000 from the Lincoln Hills Foundation. During this crisis we are seeing 10 times the number of individuals needing help from the Salt Mine. We anticipate this number will only get higher as more and more people are out of work and get sick.…
This is a thank you to our SCLH residents who have generously supported the Lincoln Hills Foundation, a description of the vehicles we use to create the donations we use, and a report on how those donations are used to benefit this senior community. See LHF 2019 Annual Report.
The Lincoln Hills breast cancer support group presents a first edition “Caregiver Resource Guide” to the Lincoln Hills Foundation. After much research and editing, Bosom Buddies has created a guide for members who are serving as caregivers as well as addressing their own health concerns. The guide covers a wide range of programs and services…
The Lincoln Hills Foundation is proud to announce the Grand Opening of the Lincoln Senior Center on Wednesday, February 20, 2019. Our Foundation was a key participant in the development of the Senior Center as both a donor of $5,000 and a member of the Coordinating Committee that oversaw development of this important resource for…
There are perhaps 2,300 days and months in the USA in recognition of some notion or cause. Some are frivolous such as Banana Pudding Lovers month and Ampersand Day. Those two are just goofy, of course, but many recognition days and months have real and important meaning for real people. November, for instance, is…
By Frima Stewart On September 14, 2018 the Lincoln Hills Foundation Board hosted its third annual Grant Recipients and Community Partners Meeting at the Kilaga Springs Lodge. Founded with a mission to promote and fund solutions and programs that will enhance the quality of life for senior residents in Lincoln, the Foundation is operated entirely…