
The Salt Mine receives a $10,000 donation from the Lincoln Hills Foundation to help meet the needs of this community.  The donation is the second additional $10,000 donation, beyond the standard grant, within the last year from the Foundation due to the ongoing need for food and supplies.

Pictured, center Eric  Long, Salt Mine, Foundation Board member BrucePohle (L) and  Frima Stewart (R), Foundation Vice President and Grants Chair

The Grants Committee met on October 30, 2023 to review all applications and clarify recommended funding amounts.

Below is the current list of applications and funding levels.

MS Support$1,350
Bosom Buddies$3,200
AZ/Dementia Caregivers Support Group$1,400
Friends of Lincoln Library books and audio$8,150
Friends of Lincoln Library -HOOPLA$3,000
Silver Wishes$1,499
Hearing Support Group$200
Neighborhood Watch$4,025
Del Oro Family Caregiver Resource Center$50,000
Needle Arts$1,000
Lighthouse Counseling and Family Resource Center$20,000
Salt Mine-Food$40,000
Salt Mine-Ensure$36,000

2025 Grant Totals: $170,074

  1. Basic senior food
  2. Ensure
  3. Gas Cards

The Lincoln Hills Foundation Board is passionate in its commitment to our mission to enhance the quality of life for seniors in Lincoln.   We are deeply grateful to our generous donors who make possible the work of these wonderful organizations.

As we look ahead, the Foundation is pleased to be working in partnership with community organizations and leaders in Lincoln to open a Senior Center later this year.

Stay tuned!!