Living here with so many Seniors, it is quite possible that someone nearby will have a heart attack at any time. We all want to have someone close by who knows what to do in an emergency! That’s why Vernon Chong, MD, a former Director with the Lincoln Hills Foundation worked hard to get Red Cross CPR classes here at a low cost. He began in 2011 and by 2013 he was successful in arranging for the Lincoln Hills Foundation to subsidize the classes so that the Seniors pay $10, or $20 if they want certification in both CPR/AED and First Aid. Certified Red Cross instructor Richard Murray began the classes and he also trained the Homeowners Association staff at both Lodges and the softball players. Now, Jeannette Pyle, an employee in the Well Fit Department handles the training.
This program has been very successful since the Association provides no-charge space for the classes and the Lincoln Hills Foundation pays the balance and enrolls the students. There have been over 400 residents trained as of June 2018. The training takes place in OC Lodge and includes CPR for adults, children, and infants, training in AED’s (Defibrillators), current first aid techniques, including the Heimlich Maneuver (which saved a Homeowner’s Association staff members life in July, 2018). The instructor also discusses legal aspects of helping someone. The class lasts a little over 3 hours. There are videos, a manual, and practice. (there is NO test!). And it’s a lot of fun!
Several lives have been saved by residents who received this training. You may even save the life of your own loved one.
2020 Class Dates: SUSPENDED DUE TO COVID-19
Life Saved on Lincoln Hills Softball Field
Below is a link to a recent Channel 10 ABC news report about Sun City Lincoln Hills where a softball player collapsed and was revived by CPR and the use of an AED before the paramedics arrived. The Lincoln Hills Foundation offers CPR/AED/First Aid classes four times a year at a reduced price of $10 or $20, depending on certification. The LH Foundation has paid for AEDs throughout Lincoln Hills and in every Lincoln Police car, so they are available at all times.
View Channel 10 – ABC News Report
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