Photo of the Lincoln Hills Foundation Grant being presented to the Salt Mine. L to R: Bob Free, Blake Long, Eric Long. Lincoln, CA
On September 16, 2016 the Board of Directors of the Lincoln Hills Foundation hosted its first annual Grant Recipients and Community Partners Luncheon and Meeting at Kilaga Springs Lodge. Over its 16 year history the Lincoln Hills Foundation has provided over $391,000 for senior related programs. This event honored the work of 11 organizations that…
In 2016, the Lincoln Hills Foundation granted funds for the purchase of two laptop computers and related peripheral items. This enabled The Tax Aide Program to provide more efficient service to the seniors they assist in preparing and electronically filing their Federal and California Income Tax returns. The Tax Counselors were assisted by 20 additional volunteers providing support…
Photo taken today at Bob Free’s presentation of $5,000 to the Salt Mine. On the left is Eric Long, the Salt Mine Treasurer/Administrator, and on the right is his son Blake.
At the October 28th Lincoln City Council meeting, representatives of the Lincoln Hills Foundation gave Police Officer David Ibarra a check to buy life-saving equipment for the Lincoln Police Department. LHF Grants Committee Chairman, Vern Chong, presented a check for $11,975 to purchase five automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) used to resuscitate individuals suffering cardiac arrest.…
Gerald Johnson (center), Foundation President, hands Father Eric Long (left) of The Salt Mine a grant check of $5,000 while Blake Long (right) looks on. For 2015, The Lincoln Hills Foundation has distributed $10,000 in grants to The Salt Mine to serve those seniors in need in the Lincoln area.